Every time they get together they know, ‘it’s been too long. we should do this more often’.

She wanted to say this to her friends, but she didn’t’ want to ground this time spent together in a sense of lack. Instead she softened to the moment: looking into one another’s faces, raising a glass, and dancing. When they’re together, it feels like just another of their ‘BEST NIGHTS EVER!!!’ “Doesn’t it feel amazing when we are all together like this? We can transcend time and space together, and we just get to soak in one another’s bubbling thoughts.” “It’s just so fun.” “Yeah, it’s somehow spontaneous and deeply grounded.”

There is a radical energy in the togetherness. In the Three of Cups, these three women find a joy in one another that is transformative. This is the space that they first experiment with how they feel. This is a lived experiment in learning themselves and each other. The Three of Cups asks you to make time and space for friendship. Alienation and anomy are a given condition of life under capitalism. Life under capitalism is a drain. The social is a battery, some times we must recharge.

UPRIGHT: Intense feelings of belonging in social groups. Consider how you might liberate your familial relations, beyond blood relation. Open heartedness towards all things anti-hierarchical & anti-domination. Social events, kinship, creativity, collaborations.

REVERSED: Independence. Need for boundaries. Alone time. Not feeling welcomed. “Three’s a crowd.”